Bava Batra 106 - September 10, 7 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Heather Stone in loving memory of her mother, Ellie Stone, Esther Bina bat Rachel Leah v’Avraham haLevy on her 13th yahrzeit. "She was always a strong and fierce advocate for the Jewish community."  Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Zoom family for a refuah shleima to the grandson of our daf friend, Becki, Eitan Efraim ben Ayelet, who was wounded in Gaza on Monday and a tefilla for all soldiers. "מי שברך אבותינו...הוא יברך את חיילי צבא הגנה לישראל. שה' ישלח לו רפואה שלמה בגוף ובנפש בתוך שאר חולי ישראל" If one sells land and says it is a specific size but also says "according to its markers and borders" and shows the buyer the land, if the difference between the size stated and the actual size is off by less than 1/6, the sale is valid. But if it is off by more than 1/6, the buyer/seller can demand/take back the difference. At the exact measurement of 1/6, what is the halakha? Rav Huna and Rav Yehuda disagree and a source is brought to question Rav Huna’s position. However, they resolve the difficulty. A case was brought in which Abaye ruled against Rav Papa (the buyer) even though the difference was more than 1/6. Abaye explains that since it was clear Rav Pappa knew the property and knew it wasn't the size the seller mentioned, the seller could have meant that it was such a good property that it's as if it were larger (marketing technique). Brothers who split inherited property acquire the property when the first brother picks his lot in a lottery. How can the lottery be a method of acquiring land without a kinyan? There is a debate between Rav and Shmuel about a case where two brothers divided property and later a third brother shows up and claims a third of the inheritance. Do they cancel the division and redivide all the property or do they each give the third brother part of their portion?

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