Bava Batra 109 - Shabbat Yom Kippur - October 12, 10 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Gitta and David Neufeld in loving memory of Meir ben Aryeh Leib HaLevi, Marvin Stokar. "Although his title of Zaidy was an honorary one, he and (lehavdil bein chayim lechayim) Bubby Fran were - and continue to be - an important part of our family. His love of all learning and of Eretz Yisrael were surpassed only by his love and care for our dear Bubby Fran. We are so grateful that we have now followed in their footsteps and made Aliya. May he continue to be a meilitz yosher for her and all of us!" The Gemara raises questions on the braita from which they derived the father inherits after the children, before the brothers, suggesting that the braita could have derived it differently. Why doesn't the drasha teach that the father inherits first, before the son or that the brothers inherit before the father? A different braita is brought which derives from a different source the same law that the father inherits if there are no children and before the brothers and paternal uncle. The Gemara questions the drasha as one can say otherwise - that the brother comes before the father and not the reverse? all of the above questions are answered. Each of the two braitot used to prove that the father inherits after the children of the deceased uses a verse not used by the other. What does the author or each braita learn from the other verse?   

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