Bava Batra 113 - October 16, 14 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Laurence and Michelle Berkowitz in loving memory of Laurence's mother, Eleanor Lasson Berkowitz, on her 22nd yartzeit. "A perfect mother, who as a social worker knew how to bring people together despite their differences. May her memory be blessed for the support of her many grandchildren serving in Tzahal." When a husband inherits his wife's property, he inherits land that she owned at the time of her death (muchzak) but not property that is passed on to her after her death (ra'uy), i.e. her father dies after her and she has no brothers. What is the source of this law? Some of the verses that were used in the earlier braita are now explained differently). The Mishna listed that the sons of the sister inherit from their uncle. The Gemara derives from these words that the ruling is for males, not females. Rav Sheshet explains this to mean that the nephews inherit before the nieces and such is true for all the stages of inheritance - first, it is given to the males and only if there are none, then it is passed to the females. What is the source of this law? One cannot divide inheritance at night. This statement is explained based on a braita and a statement of Rav Yehuda and Rav Hisda. Today's daf is sponsored by Laurence and Michelle Berkowitz in loving memory of Laurence's mother, Eleanor Lasson Berkowitz, on her 22nd yartzeit. "A perfect mother, who as a social worker knew how to bring people together despite their differences. May her memory be blessed for the support of her many grandchildren serving in Tzahal." When a husband inherits his wife's property, he inherits land that she owned at the time of her death (muchzak) but not property that is passed on to her after her death (ra'uy), i.e. her father dies after her and she has no brothers. What is the source of this law? Some of the verses that were used in the earlier braita are now explained differently). The Mishna listed that the sons of the sister inherit from their uncle. The Gemara derives from these words that the ruling is for males, not females. Rav Sheshet explains this to mean that the nephews inherit before the nieces and such is true for all the stages of inheritance - first, it is given to the males and only if there are none, then it is passed to the females. What is the source of this law? One cannot divide inheritance at night. This statement is explained based on a braita and a statement of Rav Yehuda and Rav Hisda.

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