Bava Batra 116 - Shabbat Chol haMoed Sukkot - October 19, 17 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Rabbi Yochanan quotes an opinion of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai saying if one dies without sons, it is a sign of God's wrath. Rabbi Yochanan himself and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi disagree about whether it is the lack of a son or lack of a student that is a sign that one is not truly God-fearing. Who held which position? On what basis can that be concluded? Three statements of Rabbi Pinchas ben Hama are quoted - the first relates to the importance of fathers leaving male children to follow in their ways. Rami bar Hama has some questions regarding cases of inheritance when there are no sons, daughters, or father. Does it go to the grandfather or the uncle? If the two heirs left are the grandfather and the brother of the deceased, who comes first? His questions derive from the last line in the Mishna, "the father comes before all those who come from him." Does it mean all his descendants or only before his own children, but not his grandchildren? Rava thought the answers to his questions were clear - the grandfather comes before any of his descendants.

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