Bava Batra 121 - Shmini Atzeret - October 24, 22 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

On a day that mixes different emotions – being both a holiday and a day of remembrance, today's daf is dedicated to the memory of those who were tragically taken from us one year ago today. May our learning be an aliyah for their neshamot, a tribute to their lives, and a reflection of the strength and resilience of our people in the face of the unimaginable pain we have all experienced since that day.  From where does Beit Shammai learn that hatarat nedarim can be done with three regular people, since he doesn't hold by the gzeira shava of "ze hadavar" from slaughtering outside the Temple? Why was Tu B'av considered a day of celebration? The sages bring six different answers explaining what incident happened on that date to merit a celebration for generations.  Seven people together span all the generations, from Adam to Eliyahu Hanavi, who, based on tradition, never died. Who are they and how do we know each overlapped with the next?

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