Bava Batra 76 - September 9, 6 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Bava Batra 76 This week's learning is sponsored by Adam, Carolyn, Michal, Josh, Benny, Izzy, Shim, Zoe, and Yehuda in loving memory of Fred-Ephraim Hochstadter. "Dad & Saba - we miss you every day" Today's daf is sponsored by Rochelle Cheifetz in loving memory of Lenny Cheifetz, z”l, whose 32nd yahrzeit is today. "You were loved by all and taken much too soon." Is it possible to say that Rav and Shmuel's disagreement about how far one needs to pull a boat to acquire it is also a debate between tannaim—Rabbi Natan and tana kamma? This suggestion is made after several attempts to reread a braita regarding Rabbi Natan and the rabbi's debate regarding acquiring a boat and a promissory note. Ultimately, the suggestion is rejected as the Gemara assumes they agree regarding acquiring a boat and only disagree about the promissory note. The Gemara then suggests that the debate between Rabbi Natan and tana kamma regarding the promissory note is also the subject of debate between Rebbi and the rabbis. After resolving some difficulties regarding this suggestion, they conclude that, in fact, it is the same debate. What is the difference between acquiring objects in a private space/public space?

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