Bava Batra 90 - September 23, 20 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Judith Shapiro in loving memory of her mother,  Deera Tychman, z"l, on her 11th yahrzeit. "She would have been very proud of her daughter, her four grandchildren, and her eight great-grandchildren." What size measuring cups are not permitted for one to use as they can be used to trick the buyer? Shmuel ruled that one cannot change a particular size by increasing it by more than a sixth. The Gemara grapples to understand the reason for this ruling and offers three different suggestions, all of which are rejected. Ultimately, Rav Chisda explains that Shmuel derived this law from a verse in Yechezkel 45:12. Rav Papa enlarged a measurement size by more than a sixth – how could he have done this in light of Shmuel’s ruling? A braita rules that one cannot save up a lot of produce to sell later in the season, thus causing a shortage in the market and a rise in prices. But this applies to one who purchases it for resale. One who grows the crops is permitted to store them. Another braita distinguishes between storing produce that is an essential item that everyone buys and one that is not. If it is not essential, then one can store it and the aforementioned issue is no longer relevant as people who can’t afford it can manage without it. A third braita rules that one cannot export oil, wine, and flour from Israel as these items are essential, and exporting them will cause a shortage in Israel and a rise in prices.

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