Beitzah 13 - September 13, 7 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Beitzah 13 This week of learning is sponsored in memory of Florence Pine, Fayga bat Moshe Mordechai v’Sara Rivka, on her first yartzeit, 7 Tishrei, by her daughter, Debbie Pine. "My mother was a passionate supporter of both education for women and Jewish education. She’d be awed by the enthusiasm and commitment of the women of Hadran. She is missed every day, but especially today. Yehi z’chra Baruch." Today's daf is sponsored by Danny and Sara Berelowitz in honor of  their newest granddaughter, Gaya Rachel, daughter of Yoel and Daniella Sterman.  In an attempt to explain Rava’s reading of a braita, that permitted husking kernels on Yom Tov, which would imply that one could take teruma (as one is not obligated in teruma until after that stage) with our mishna that says that one cannot separate teruma on Yom Tov, the gemara brings a debate between Rebbe and Rabbi Yosi bar Yehuda and reconciles the mishna with Rabbi Yosi’s position and the braita with Rebbe’s. Their debate was about one who brought stalks into his house to husk them and eat the kernels, rather than to make it into flour and make a dough. According to Rabbi Yosi, one would not be obligated in teruma as they never become fully processed. Rebbe holds that since you want to eat the kernels, they are considered a finished product for the purpose you are intending and therefore would be obligated in teruma. Abaye holds that their debate is only regarding grains but legumes they would all agree. However, two different versions of Abaye are brought regarding legumes. Do they all agree legumes are obligated in tithes when they are bundled or do they both agree they are not obligated? For each version, the same braita is brought, either to support his claim or to refute. However, the support is disproven as it is inconclusive and the refutation is answered. In the second version, the law regarding a Levite who receives his tithe before the owner is even obligated to tithe the produce is discussed. As things were done out of the order (the kohen should have received teruma first) and before it was even obligated in teruma, what needs to happen? Can one compare the rules for what process is needed to obligated one to tithe their produce with what actions are forbidden on Shabbat? How exactly does one husk the kernels on Yom Tov, as it needs to be done in a way that is somewhat different from the usual manner?

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