Beitzah 14 - September 14, 8 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is dedicated in honor of my brother Jon Cohen who started the daf in Masechet Nidda at the end of the last cycle and has kept it up since!! Happy birthday! Is it possible to grind spices and salt on Yom Tov and if so, what is allowed/forbidden, and is a change necessary? There are two different opinions regarding the Beit Shamai/Beit Hillel dispute in this matter. What about grains? Is it only permitted in a small mortar and pestle or is even that a problem?  How can one separate (borer)  between food and waste on Yom Tov? It is a matter of dispute between Beit Shamai/Beit Hillel/Rabban Gamliel. Is it permitted to send gifts on a Yom Tov? What kind of things are permitted to send? Dispute between Beit Shamai/Beit Hillel/Rabbi Shimon. What limitations are there on how it can be sent?  Clothes can be sent even if not sewn, even if they are mixed wool/linen (shaatnez). How can one send shaatnez if it is forbidden to wear them in any way and it is also forbidden to sit on them? What can they possibly be used for on Yom Tov? Unfinished sandals cannot be sent because they are not usable on Yom Tov as is.

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