Beitzah 15 - September 15, 9 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Odi and Judy, in honor of the birth of baby girl to Elana Perlin, her husband Steven, and her children, Shira and Avi. Tizku l'gadlah l'Torah, l'chupah u'l'ma'asim tovim. And Elana, continued hatzlacha learning the Daf Yomi -- so proud of you that you've been able to keep it up 'til now! And by Eden Prywes in honor of his wife Adele Druck and her mother Susan Fishbein. It is permissible to send a gift with a material made out of wool and linen on Yom Tov. Why? What can it be used for? It is forbidden to give a gift of a spiked sandal because it is forbidden to wear this kind of sandal on Shabbat or Yom Tov - why was it forbidden? There was a tragedy that was mentioned in Shabbat 60 where Jews trampled each other and the decree was then instituted. What other types of shoes should not be gifted on Yom Tov? It is permissible to send tefillin even though they are not worn on Shabbat because they reread the Mishna to say that anything that will make a person happy even if it is not usable on that day, can be sent as a gift. If one was wearing tefillin and Shabbat came in, can one bring them back to one’s house?  Under what circumstances? Chapter Two begins with a discussion of cooking from Yom Tov for Shabbat and Eruv Tavshilin that permits it. How many cooked dishes does one need for the eruv do you need? Dispute between Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel. What is the source in the Torah for Eruv Tavshilin? And what is the reason for it? A story is told of Rabbi Eliezer who was teaching all day on Yom Tov and gradually students started leaving to observe the commandment of Simchat Yom Tov. He was angry with them for leaving the beit midrash. He was very upset with them – why? What about the mitzva of Simchat Yom Tov? There is a dispute between him and Rabbi Yehoshua - Do you dedicate either the whole day for God (learning Torah) or the whole day for yourselves (meaning to sanctify the day by eating)? Or half for you and half for God?

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