Beitzah 16 - Yom Kippur, September 16, 10 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Gitta Neufeld in loving memory of our honorary Zaidy, Marvin Stokar, Meir ben Aryeh Leib HaLevi a"h. Zaidy Marvin's delight in Torah learning and particularly the daf yomi still resonate. May he be a meilitz yosher for our cherished Bubbie Fran and his entire family. We miss him so much! A person’s livelihood for the year is allocated from Rosh Hashana until Yom Kippur except for Shabbat and Yom Tov expenses and Torah study expenses for his children. From where is this derived? What is the dispute between Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel regarding our approach to food for Shabbat – if during the week, we see something good, should we leave it for Shabbat or can we eat and assume that we will find another one like it before Shabbat? One who gives a gift to one’s friend does not need to inform him. This is derived from Moshe who did not know that his face was radiant. But the Gemara raises a difficulty for this law from other sources that show that a gift should be made known. How does the Gemara distinguish between the cases? What foods can be used for Eruv Tavshilin? What are the criteria? There are different versions of the discussion. Rabbi Abba says it should be the size of an olive. Is it an olive for everyone and an olive for each person? The Gemara cites several sources to raise difficulties on Rabbi Abba but resolves them. One needs to have intent when doing an Eruv Tavshilin. Is it the intent of the person who made the Eruv or the intent of someone who is benefitting from another’s Eruv? Cases are brought to highlight that one can make an Eruv on behalf of others without their knowledge. But a story is told in which Samuel was not willing to let one person benefit from his Eruv - why? Rebbe and Sages disagree - is it possible to make an Eruv Chatzirot “(to permit carrying) on Yom Tov for Shabbat? There are two versions as to who forbids and who permits. How did Rava rule on the subject?

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