Beitzah 17 - September 17, 11 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Beitzah 17 Today's learning is sponsored by Leora and Marty Fineberg, in memory of Miriam Adler, Leora's mother, on her third yahrzeit, whose yahrzeit was on Yom Kippur. As a young girl, she begged her father to teach her Gemara so she could expand her knowledge. She would have loved to know that her daughter and daughter-in-law are pursuing that path. Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel disagree about how many blessings should be said in Shmone Esreh when a Yom Tov falls on Shabbat - seven or eight? What is the final line of the blessing according to Beit Hillel? Rebbe explained the final line differently. There are two versions of what exactly Rebbe said. On Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, where in the prayer is Rosh Chodesh mentioned? There are three different opinions. Is there a difference between Mussaf and the other prayers? Is it possible to place an Eruv Techimim or Eruv Tashilin on a two-day Yom Tov in the Diaspora on one day to another upon condition? Is there a difference between these two Eruvs regarding this law? Although it is forbidden to bake from one Yom Tov to the next, how can this be done in a permitted manner? If one did not make an Eruv, is one only forbidden to cook or is one’s flour also forbidden – the relevance being can one or does one need to transfer rights of one’s flour to another so that someone else can cook for him/her? If one transgressed and baked without an Eruv for Shabbat, is it permissible to eat what one baked? The Gemara tries to bring an answer from five different sources but all the answers are rejected. The Gemara quotes Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar who understood the debate between Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel regarding how many cooking dishes are needed for an Eruv Tavshilin in a different manner. The Mishnah discusses the purification of vessels and a person on Shabbat that falls on the eve of the holiday - is it permissible to purify oneself in honor of the holiday or should everything be done from before Shabbat? In what way can one purify water on Shabbat or Yom Tov?

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