Beitzah 20 - September 20, 14 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Beitzah 20 This month’s learning is dedicated for a refuah shleima for Noam Eliezer ben Yael Chaya v'Aytan Yehoshua. Today's daf is sponsored by Danielle Barta in memory of  Michelle Daman Wasserman - Gittel Frieda bat Sarah whose yahrzeit is tomorrow. "Michelle was taken from us too early, 15 years ago, leaving behind two little girls who have grown into beautiful young women who would, no doubt, make her very proud. Michelle, you will always be my inspiration to be my best both in my avodat Hashem and my bein adam l'chevero. I miss you and think about you every day." Rabbi Elazar Bar Shimon did not allow the use of a thanksgiving sacrifice to also be used to fulfill his duty to bring peace offerings for the holiday (the obligatory ones), even if it was so explicitly stipulated when one designated the animal. Why not? The Gemara illustrates this by bringing an example of one on his death bed who told someone I will give you 400 zuzim and you can marry my daughter. In this case, the condition is not effective. However, if he said it in the reverse order, it would be. Why? A student brought a braita before Rabbi Yitzchak Bar Abba bringing a drasha to derive the obligation for semicha on an obligatory burnt offering. Rabbi Yitzchak questions him as it seems his braita was stated only according to Beit Shamai as per their opinion in our Mishna that semicha can’t be performed on Yom Tov for obligatory peace offerings as semicha is not required for them. Likewise, semicha would also not be obligatory in obligatory burnt offerings, thus obviating the need for a drasha. The Gemara ultimately explains that the need for a drasha could be explained according to Beit Hillel as well. Rabbi Yitzchak’s question was based on the fact that the reason in the Mishnah for Beit Shamai to not permit semicha on Yom Tov was because it was not obligatory. Howver it appears in a braita that the reason is because he didn’t hold the semicha has to be performed immediately before the slaughtering of the animal and therefore, better to do it the day before. The Gemara answers that there are two different traditions regarding the reason for the dispute between Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel in the Mishnah. There are stories told of Hillel the elder and Shamai’s students who clashed in the Temple regarding their debate. The Tosefta is brought in which Beit Hillel and Shamai each bring various arguments to support their opinions. The tana and Abba Shaul have a different tradition regarding their arguments and this is because they disagreed as to whether vow and gift offerings can be brought on Yom Tov according to Beit Hillel. Rav Huna thinks that whoever says they cannot be brought, holds it is forbidden by Torah law and not just a rabbinic decree. What if one transgressed and slaughtered the animal for a vow or gift offering, would one be able to sprinkle the blood on the altar on Yom Tov? Rabba and Rabba Bar Rav Huna disagree as to why it would be permitted.

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