Beitzah 29 - September 29, 23 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Beitzah 29 Today's daf is sponsored by Hannah Hashkes in memory of her mother-in-law Chaya Sarah (Sally) bat Genya and Mordechai Rubin on her birthday, Simchat Torah outside of Israel. "She was active in supporting women's Torah learning throughout her life."  Can one go to a store and ask for a utensil full of food if the utensil is a measuring utensil? Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis disagree – Shmuel and Rava bring two different explanations of their debate. Either way, their approach is the opposite of the Mishnah in Beitzah 28 where Rabbi Yehuda is more lenient, as here it is clear that Rabbi Yehuda is stricter. How does the Gemara resolve that contradiction? Abba Shaul ben Butnit would do all his measuring before Yom Tov. The Mishna tries to prove from here that he was strict but two other opinions are brought to show that he either did this on every day of Chol Hamoed as well or on all days for other reasons – to prevent any sort of stealing from his buyers. Can one measure flour for making bread in order to ensure the proper amount is removed to give to the kohen? Rav and Shmuel debate. A difficulty is raised against Shmuel as he quoted a braita saying it is permitted, however, he forbids it. How is this issue resolved? Can one sift flour a second time on Yom Tov, as there is no more removing the bad from the good, one is just trying to make the flour more refined? There are differing opinions about this and whether or not it can be done normally or with some sort of change. What if something external fell into the flour – can it be removed with a sifter or by hand? Which is better? According to the Mishna, one can ask a store owner for items by number, just not by weight or, according to Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar not by mentioning money. What types of things can one not carry on Yom Tov and in what amount/manner does it appear as one does on a weekday? From where is one allowed/not allowed to take straw/wood for kindling on Yom Tov?

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