Beitzah 32 - Shabbat October 2, 26 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Shmuel rules on undoing ropes that are fastened to the ground or to an object. He differentiates between the two regarding how one can do it, however, he does not distinguish between Shabbat and Yom Tov. The Gemara raises a difficulty against him from the braita where a distinction between Shabbat and Yom Tov is made regarding this issue. They answer that Samuel must hold like the tana of a different braita. But even on this, there is a difficulty because some of his words correspond to the words of the tana and some do not. To solve this problem, it is assumed that one part of the braita has to do with an unrelated reason as he holds like Rabbi Nehemiah who has a very strict definition of muktze and only allows the use of a vessel for its usual use and not for any other use. There is also a difficulty on that which the Gemara resolves. Creating a tool on a Yom Tov is forbidden. The Mishnah gives some examples and the Gemara discusses the controversy over what stage is it considered that the utensil is built/finished both for laws of impurity and for Shabbat/Yom Tov. According to Rabbi Yehuda, it is possible to cut a wick in two by using fire. How does this solve the problem that he is creating an object? Six laws were said regarding wicks - three stringencies and three leniencies. What are they? Rabbi Natan Bar Abba brings on behalf of Rav a harsh criticism of the wealthy Jews of Babylonia who showed no mercy. The Gemara brings a number of statements on how difficult it is for a person who has to rely on others for one’s livelihood. It is said about the following people that they “have no life" – one who relies on others for one’s livelihood, one whose wife rules over him, and one whose body is enduring suffering and some say also one who only has one garment to wear. The Mishnah continues with a list of other things that should not be done on Yom Tov because it is considered creating a vessel as well as some other prohibitions. One cannot rake the ashes from an oven unless it affects the quality of the food. It is forbidden to build a stove out of two barrels. Why is it forbidden to do this but it is permitted to take stones in the outhouse and form from it a chair to use as a toilet – is it not a similar type of “building”?    

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