Beitzah 4 - Shabbat September 4, 27 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Beitzah 4 In trying to explain the braita regarding a case of doubt with an egg as relating to a doubt relating to an egg that possibly came from a treifa bird, the Gemara concludes that the braita must have been authored by the tana who appear in the Mishna/Tosefta in Terumot regarding a litra of pressed figs that are teruma that get mixed up with others. There is an opinion there that it is not nullified as it is sometimes sold by quantity. That would explain also the reason by the case of the treifa egg would also not be nullified. An entirely different explanation is brought by Rav Ashi to explain the braita - that it is, in fact, referring to an egg that was laid on Yom Tov and the reason why we are strict is that it is something that will be permitted tomorrow and therefore "one may as well just wait."  A braita that holds like Beit Shamai is brought. The Gemara works to understand what case the braita is referring to. When Yom Tov falls adjacent to Shabbat, can we permit an egg born on the first day to be eaten on the second? Rav and Rabbi Yochanan disagree and some cases are brought showing how we rule. Rabbi Yochana rules differently regarding branches that fell from a tree - why does he distinguish between the two cases? What about two days on Yomi Tov in the Diaspora - would an egg be born on one day be permitted on the second? Rav and Rav Asi disagree - what is the root of their debate? 

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