Chagigah 13 - February 22, 21 Adar 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This month’s learning is sponsored by Maurice Heller in honor of Dena Heller. “Her exuberance for Daf Yomi is an inspiration. May she continue her learning for many years to come in good health.” The different firmaments of the heavens are discussed further. What parts of maase merkava can be learned? What parts can be outlined? To whom can this be taught? Can one teach Torah to a gentile? Stories are told of rabbis who wanted to learn/teach maase merkava but were not given the opportunity. They wanted to conceal the book of Ezekiel because of contradictions between the Torah and some of the verses in Ezekiel. But Chanania ben Chizkia sat in his attic for many hours until he was able to resolve the contradictions. A child tried to learn maase markava and a fire came out and burned him. This raised further issues regarding the book but again, Chanania convinced them not to be concerned. What is the meaning of chashmal in the description in the first chapter of Ezekiel? Some other terms in that chapter as well as some of the verses are explained. Why is the description of the vision in Ezekiel different from the parallel description of the vision of Isaiah? Contradictory verses in Ezekiel are raised and resolved. One of the faces of the chayot described in Ezekiel was a cherub – what is a cherub? The seraphim in Isaiah have 6 wings and in Ezekiel only 4. Why?

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