Chagigah 14 - February 23, 22 Adar 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored Caroline Ben-Ari by in loving memory of her mother, Daphne Rhodes, Dafna Devora bat Avraham ve-Hana 5th yahrzeit. “Mum was a loving, vivacious woman with a great sense of humour, and was determined to be a better mother to her children than her own mother had been to her. Later in life, when she and Dad retired to Netanya, she indulged her love of singing and dramatics in the Netanya AACI Musical Theatre Group." Today’s daf is sponsored by Risa Tzohar in loving memory of her mother, Florence Wittels Rich, on her yahrzeit.  Today’s daf is sponsored by Adira Sklar in honor of Rivka Yellin. “Happy 19th birthday! You have inspired me as well as so many others to start daf yomi and your burning passion for Talmud study is so pure and amazing to watch." Verses in which God and angels are described are interpreted and contradictions are resolved. Isaiah prophesized about 18 curses that would befall the Jewish people. What were they? Even in the destruction, there were still honest people – how do we know that? More stories are brought of rabbis who understood the maase merkava. Who were they and where did they learn it from. Four entered into the Pardes – Ben Zoma, Ben Azai, Acher and Rabbi Akiva. What happened to each of them?

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