Chagigah 15 - February 24, 23 Adar 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

They asked Ben Zoma if it is possible for there to be a woman who is pregnant without having had sexual relations and therefore, could she marry a kohen gadol (who can only marry a virgin)? Another story is told of Ben Zoma who was pondering creation and Rabbi Yehoshua said that he had erred in his understanding. The Gemara brings various stories of Elisha ben Avuya, otherwise known as “Acher” who “entered the orchard” but ended up not believing in God. What led him to this? Rabbi Meir, his closest student, kept up his relationship with him even after he no longer believed in God and continued to learn Torah from him. How was he able to do this? Rabbi Meir constantly tries to encourage Acher to repent, but Acher says that it has been decreed in the heavens that even though all can repent, Acher is not able to repent. Even in Rabbi Meir’s death, he tries to help Acher to get into the World to Come. Is he successful? Rabbi Yochanan tries as well. Is he successful?  

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