Chagigah 17 - Shabbat February 26, 25 Adar 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel debate what sacrifices can be brought on Yom Tov. If Shavuot falls on Friday, the sacrifices are brought on Sunday, according to Beit Shamai. If Shavuot falls on Shabbat, even Beit Hillel hold that the sacrifices are pushed off until Sunday. The Sadducees believed that Shavuot always came out on Sunday and therefore in the event that the sacrifice was pushed off to Sunday, other things were instituted to ensure that no one thought we were celebrating the holiday on Sunday, just the sacrifices. Rabbi Oshaya brings a drasha to explain that Shavuot has seven days (6 in addition to Shavuot) in which one can bring the Chagigah offerings and the burnt “appearance” offerings. Four sources are brought to raise doubts regarding his drasha, but they are all resolved. A second proof is brought by Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov and the Gemara then explains why we needed both Rabbi Oshaya’s drasha and Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov’s.

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