Chagigah 21 - March 2, 29 Adar 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Chagigah 21 Today’s daf is sponsored by Sam Kunin in honor of Helen Lewis’s birthday “Your incredible dedication to women’s learning, the Jewish community and beyond is a daily inspiration to us all. Thank you for all your guidance kindness and patience. Love, Mim, Nat, Toby and Sam.” Why is one not allowed to immerse a vessel within a vessel for sacrificial items? The first answer given is that it is an issue of chatzitza, a separation between the item and the mikveh waters. If so, then there are two cases in the Mishna that relate to this issue - why would the Mishna find it necessary to list them both? The Gemara offers an explanation. A different answer is brought as well, which explains the issue differently. The concern is that one may put needles or something small into a utensil with a very small opening, which would not be a valid tevila as the opening is too narrow. Therefore they forbade any case of purifying in a mikveh one utensil inside another utensil.

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