Chagigah 24 - Shabbat March 5, 2 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Elisheva Lightstone in honor of the birthday of her sister, Hadassah Fortinsky. “Hadassah inspired me to learn the Daf and inspires everyone with her acts of chessed. May you enjoy many happy healthy birthdays in the future ‘ad 120 shanah’." If one item in a utensil is impure then all other sacrificial items in there are impure. If, According to Rabbi Chanin, it is derived from the Torah, how does that correspond with Rabbi Akiva who said it was rabbinic? Perhaps Rabbi Akiva was talking about items that were exceptions to the rule and by Torah law would not cause others in the same utensil to become impure. Or perhaps he was discussing items on a flat board and not in a utensil with a receptacle? In sacrificial items there is third-degree and fourth-degree impurity. Third-degree is derived from the Torah and fourth-degree from a kal vachomer. If one hand becomes impure, the other hand also does - for sacrificial items, but not teruma. In what situation is this? Can one cause another's hand to become impure in this way? What degree of impurity does the second hand carry? This is a source of debate among tanaim. One can eat dry foods with dirty hands if it is teruma but not sacrificial items. What is the concern here? Why does an onen and one who still needs to bring a sacrifice to finish his/her purification process need to immerse before eating sacrificial items? 

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