Chagigah 25 - March 6, 3 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Linda Freedman in loving memory of her father Leon Pultman’s 7th yahrzeit. “May his neshama have an Aliyah. You are remembered lovingly by your whole family, your wife, Thelma Pultman, children, Linda Freedman, Sheila Strulowitz and Gwen Lerner.” Today's daf is sponsored by Adina Hagege and family in honor of their Aunt Miriam Kerzner and cousin Lana Kerzner. “As we near the end of Seder Moed, we dedicate this daf in honor of our incredible and beloved Aunt Miriam Kerzner and cousin Lana Kerzner, who join the Zoom group from Toronto every night. Although they are without cameras, I see them in my mind's eye. I love sharing this passion for Talmud and learning, across oceans and pandemics in this miracle brought to life by Rabbanit Michelle and Hadran.” An am haaretz from Judea is believed about purity regarding sacrificial items but not about teruma. Is this true only regarding those from Judea or also from the Galil? Why would there be a difference? The Mishna said that regarding teruma, we can trust an am haaretz if it is during the season of the pressing of the olives/wine. A contradiction is brought from a Mishna is Taharot 9:4 which seems to say they are not trusted. Two resolutions are brought, however, the second is rejected. One is not allowed to accept teruma from an am haaretz. What if one did anyway? Could they leave it for the next pressing season and eat it then? The Gemara tries to answer this question from a Mishna is Demai 6:9, but in the end, it is inconclusive. A Mishna is Ohalot 18:4 is brought regarding one who walks through a beit hapras, a field which was known that there were dead bodies buried underneath but it is unclear where and the field had been plowed and there is a concern that some bones surfaced and may pass on impurity to one who walks through. If one is passing through and is heading to eat the Pesach sacrifice, they can blow at the ground and walk through and not be concerned about bones, but if one passed through and wants to eat teruma after, that solution is not effective. Why is there a difference? If one went through to eat the Pesach sacrifice, can that person also eat teruma? Ulla permitted and Raba bar Ulla did not. A question is raised against Raba bar Ulla from our Mishna as it states that if one has sanctified items mixed in the barrel with teruma, since the am haaretz is believed about keeping the sacrificial items pure, we can assume all the contents are pure. Why, then, can't we say the same for the beit hapras? A braita states that an am haaretz is not believed regarding the purity of jugs or teruma. Jugs are understood to be ones emptied of sacrificial items all year long or full of teruma during the time of the pressing. Even though the food is considered pure, the vessels are not. A question is raised against this from our Mishna (jugs that include a mix of items, presumably teruma, are pure during the time of the pressing), and in the end, the Mishna is explained to be referring to a mixture of sacrificial items also and that is why the am haaretz is believed regarding the purity. In what geographical area can we trust an am haaretz selling vessels regarding the purity of vessels for sacrificial items. Under what conditions?

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