Chagigah 4 - February 13, 12 Adar 1

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Chagigah 4 This week’s learning is sponsored anonymously in honor of Rabbi Raymond Harari. “He has been teaching women Gemara for over 42 years (way before it was fashionable). May he be blessed with good health so that he may continue to inspire his students with the love of learning Talmud and Torah”. This week’s learning is sponsored by Heather Stone for the refuah shleima of Robert Stone, Yehuda Leib ben Naftali HaLevi and Chaya. From where do we derive the exemptions for women, a tumtum, an androgynous, and slaves from the mitzva of “seeing” God on the holidays? Why is a drasha needed to exclude each of them? That same verse is also explained to include children. How does that work with our Mishna that said children were excluded? From where is it derived that those who are sick, lame, blind, and elderly are also exempt? A braita states that an impure person and one who is uncircumcised is also exempt. From where is this derived? A list is brought of several verses that caused certain rabbis to cry when they read them – why?

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