Eruvin 103 - November 20, 4 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is dedicated by Sue Ann Hochberg in honor of her children, Zev Daniel and Hanna Paige, "the miracles of my life. I love you now and forever!" A number of cases are brought of actions that are permitted in the Temple but not outside the Temple. However there are contradictory bratitot and the gemara tries to resolve the contradictions. Can one tie strings of a broken harp in the Temple for the Levites music? Can one cut off a wart either of a priest or a sacrificial animal (to remove the blemish)? Can a priest put on a bandage made of a reed, even though it is used for medicinal purposes? Is it different if he puts a sash on it? Would that create a problem of adding more clothing above what the priest is supposed to wear? Is that only an issue if he adds it in the place where the clothes are meant to be worn? 

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