Eruvin 105 - November 22, 6 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

The siyum is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt"l. It is also dedicated by Dora Chana and Josh Haar in honor of their daughter Evie's bat mitzva. We are so happy that you are celebrating becoming a bat mitzva in a world with wonderful female role models like Rabbanit Farber, who make Torah accessible and inspiring for all. And by Ora Rosenfeld Canter in honor of her daughter, Shira's bat mitzva. "I say a Shira of Thanks for you every day but the Torah itself is called Shira. As Rabbi Sacks A'H explains, it is because in order for Torah to penetrate and affect you spiritually ,it needs to sing to you. I know that as you watch me, toiling over Gemara for the first time in my life, R Akiva style, at age 40+, that you don't always "get it." My bracha to you at this special time is that in the merit of the tremendous effort of Torah study by all these incredible women, that you find your own melody of Torah that sings to you. Own it and make it your own and may Hashem grant me the privilege of humming along. I love you, Mommy." Mazel tov to both of you!  What is the source for Rabbi Shimon ben Nanas' and Rabbi Akiva's opinions regarding taking out a sheretz from the Temple. If the Temple needs repairs or building, who is allowed to go into sanctified areas to do it? Is a Levite or Israelite permitted to go? Is a blemished or impure priest allowed? The mishna ends with a cryptic statement of Rabbi Shimon. What does it mean? To what it is referring? And why is that the final line of the masechet?

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