Eruvin 87 - November 4, 17 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Today's daf is dedicated by Kay Weinberger for a refuah shlema to her dear sister Helen Taylor, Chana bat Chava, as well as a refuah shlema to her beloved grandson, Yuval Mironi, Yuval ben Elisheva Sarah, who is undergoing major surgery today. And by Caroline Ben-Ari in honor of her 65th birthday. Mazal Tov! The gemara compares Rabbi Yehuda's opinion permitting the wall of the courtyard to allow sharing of the water underneath it to Rabbi Chanania ben Akavia's position allowing a large ledge (4x4 cubits) with a hole in the middle of 4x4 handbreadths to permit drawing water from a body of water underneath (particularly the Kinneret). Would they each agree with the other? The rabbis infer from Rabbi Chanania that he would even permit less in particular situations. If a channel runs through a courtyard, are the residents permitted to draw the water? What is necessary to enable that - what are the different opinions? If there are windows and they want to draw from the windows, if it is less than 3 or less than for (debate between the rabbis and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, they can. There are three opinions about what needs to be less the three - the bank of the channel, the channel itself or an outlet created in the mechitza at the entrance to the courtyard? What is the root of the debate between the rabbis and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel? The mishna explains how one can draw water from the water below their house by making a hole in a ledge 4x4 and walls going either up or down for a length of ten handbreadths. The gemara states that the mishna doesn't agree with Chanania ben Akavia who permitted just a ledge 4x4 cubits with a hole 4x4 handbreadths. Rabbi Chanania permitted it just to the people of Tiberias. He also permitted them two other things. What were they? 

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