Eruvin 88 - November 5, 18 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Study Guide Eruvin 88 Today's daf is sponsored by Rabbi Amy Bardack in memory of the 11 lives lost in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting two years ago today. And our learning this week will be in memory of Eli Hoffman z"l who passed away yesterday.  Why did Rabbi Chanania ben Akavia permit those three things in Tiberias? Can one use the suspended walls coming out of the ledge only to draw water, but not to dump waste water? Or can it be used for both? If one steals a space from someone, does the original owner need to be part of the eruv or not? How does this make sense in light of the case in the mishna of the one who had a lower ledge and didn't make a suspended wall and uses (seemingly without permission) the wall of the upper ledge and thereby forbids the owner from using it unless they make a eruv together? The mishna and gemara discuss ways in which people can or cannot remove water from their house through the courtyard or the roof. What are the necessary requirements/what are the issues involved? 

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