Eruvin 90 - Shabbat November 7, 20 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Today’s daf is dedicated by Mindy Feldman Hecht in honor of her mother, Rella Feldman’s birthday. "Mom, I’m so proud by your commitment to learning daf yomi and thrilled that we are connected in our joint effort! The gemara deals with several debates between Rav and Shmuel regarding carrying on roofs according to Rabbi Meir and the rabbis and also regarding boats or a portico. Can one carry only four cubits - is it viewed as a carmelit - or can one carry in the whole space - is it viewed as a private domain? On what does it depend? When can we use the principles that we view the walls as if they go up gut asik mechitzta) or we can view a ceiling as if it drops down (pi tikra yored v'sotem)  

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