Eruvin 94 - November 11, 24 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Study Guide Eruvin 94 Today’s daf is dedicated by Tzippy Wolkenfeld for a refuah shleima for Yakira Leeba bat Sara Gita, “our sweet brave girl.” If a courtyard wall is breached on Shabbat, do we say that since it was permitted at the onset of Shabbat to carry in each individual courtyard, the status remains the rest of Shabbat or not? If a courtyard is breached into the public domain, what is the status of that courtyard? Rabbi Eliezer says it is now considered a public domain and the rabbis call it a carmelit. The gemara struggles to understand how Rabbi Eliezer could view this space that belongs to the courtyard residents as a public domain and therefore narrows the debate to the space where the wall once stood that is not the subject of debate between the public and the courtyard residents. Or that the debate is really about the sides of the public domain that are sometimes used by the public and therefore also would extend to this case regarding the space near the border of the courtyard and the public domain. How does this work in with the wording of the mishna. The mishna states that if two walls of a courtyard or a house collapse on Shabbat, what is the status for that Shabbat. Two opinions are brought, however they both agree that regarding the next Shabbat, this is a breach. What size breach and why is it specifically two walls and not one? Due to this question, Rav and Shmuel each narrow the case of the mishna to a very specific type of breach in the corner. What do Rav and Shmuel disagree about regarding a ceiling dropping down and creating imaginary walls? In what size structure do they disagree?

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