Eruvin 97 - Shabbat November 14, 27 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures The gemara brings a different explanation for the new tefillin and why they can't be brought into the city on Shabbat. If one buys a number of sets of tefillin from an unreputable scribe, how many need to be checked before one can establish that this is a reliable scribe? What is the danger described in the mishna - danger from gentiles who don't allow Jews to don tefillin or from robbers? The mishna mentions one can pass from person to person - what about carry less than four cubits? What is the difference between those options? What is the case in the mishna regarding the child being carried? For what purpose do they need to carry the baby? Why does it say even one hundred people? Why does Rabbi Yehuda allow the barrel to be carried outside the techum? The mishna describes someone reading a scroll and part of the scroll rolls into the public domain - under what circumstances can one roll it back in? 

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