Gittin 12 - May 28, 8 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Gittin 12 Today's daf is sponsored by Aviram and Micki Kadosh in honor of their son Yonatan's wedding to Yotal. Can a master say to his slave, "You work for me and I keep your proceeds, but you need to support yourself"? First, they try to infer this from the Mishna but they reject it and explain that the Mishna is referring to a case where the master can say to the slave, "Keep your proceeds for your food." Four other sources are brought to try to infer that the master can relinquish his responsibility to feed the slave, while keeping his proceeds. Each time, other than the last, they reject this explanation. But in the end, they do prove that it can be done from the last source.   

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