Gittin 15 - May 31, 11 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Gittin 15 Today's daf is dedicated to Maggie and Rafi Sandler on the birth of a baby boy! Mazal tov! Today's daf is dedicated by Helene Santo in memory of Marianne Santo on her 39th yahrzeit. She dedicated her life to Na'amat, the State of Israel and the Jewish people. We think of her always.  The tannaitic debate brought to suggest that tannaim disagree about whether or not a messenger who is sent with the words "Take this to..."(heilech) acquires the rights to the object for the receiver or not, is explained differently. Perhaps the debate is based on a different tannaitic debate about whether the words of a person on their deathbed are taken seriously even if there was no act of acquisition, and whether or not there is a commandment to fulfill the wishes of one who died. Discussions continue about whether or not the tannaim disagreed about if one sends a messenger to deliver something, does the messenger acquire rights to the object from the moment he receives it or only when it gets to the hands of the receiver? The second chapter begins with a messenger bringing a get from abroad who did not say the entire statement "in front of me it was written, in front of me it was signed." The Gemara begins by explaining the first few cases of the Mishna. If he said, "In front of me half of it was written and all of it was signed" - to which half is it referring? If he said, "In front of me all of it was written but half of it was signed," the get is also invalid. Rav Chisda, Rava and Rav Ashi each add a case regarding the second signature (what type of evidence there is about the second one) in which we would also rule like the Mishna that the get is invalid. The Gemara explains the logic behind each opinion, and difficulties are raised with Rav Chisda and Rava's positions. A further difficulty is raised on Rav Chisda from our Mishna but it is resolved. Since the Mishna deals with a case where half the testimony came from one person and half from another, they bring up sugyot in other unrelated issues where there is a question about whether or not one can join two halves together, like with a mechitza (for laws of carrying) and washing hands for purification.

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