Gittin 16 - June 1, 12 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Gittin 16 This week's learning is dedicated by Sara Averick and Jose Rosenfeld in memory of Sara's mother, Leah Shifrin Averick, Leah bat HaRav Yehuda Leib Chaikel and Chaya Masha, who showed us to love Hashem, klal Yisrael, Medinat Yisrael, and learning Torah, b'chol levaveinu, b'chol nafsheinu, u'b'chol meodeinu.  Today's daf is sponsored by Shifra Tyberg and Rephael Wenger in loving memory of Shifra's father, Zvi ben Yisrael Yitzchak on his yahrzeit. Today's daf is sponsored in honor of Ilana Miriam in honor of her birthday and in admiration of her perseverance in her learning.  How is Ilfa's question regarding splitting up washing one's hands for impurity purposes explained? The rabbis decreed that a tvul yom who goes into drawn water (even just the head and majority of the body) or pours three log of water over one's body after going in a mikveh will be considered impure. Likewise, a pure person who pours three log of water over one's body is deemed impure. Rabbi Yirmia asks what if half the body was in a mikveh and one poured water over the other half? A man who had a seminal emission is impure and from the times of Ezra, they also were not allowed to learn Torah. In order to permit Torah learning to one who was too sick to go into a mikveh, they permitted them to pour nine kav of water over their body. What if half the body was in a mikveh and they poured water on the other half?  There are two versions are brought to understand the machloket between Tanna Kama and Rabbi Yehuda in the Mishna where two different people come and one testifies about the signing and the other about the writing. Is the case (and the cases that follow) one where two messengers brought the get or only one? What does this tell us about the need for the declaration when two messengers are sent to deliver the get?  

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