Gittin 19 - June 4, 15 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Gittin 19 This week's learning is sponsored by Bob & Paula Cohen in loving memory of Henna bat Yitzchak Nechemia.  Today's learning is dedicated in memory of the three soldiers killed yesterday on the Egyptian border - Ori Yitzchak Iluz, Lia Ben Nun and Ohad Dahan. Yehi Zichram Baruch. With what types of ink can you write a get? I get can be written on a leaf that is detached from the ground, a horn of a cow and an arm of a slave, in which case the husband would give the cow/slave to the wife. If one writes with ink on top of other ink, does it work? In a case where one can't find witnesses who know how to sign, what possible solutions are there? Reish Lakish asked Rabbi Yochanan if one writes out their names in red ink and the witnesses go over letters with black ink, does that count? When Rabbi Yochanan says no, Reish Lakish questions him from laws of Shabbat as one who does that is liable for erasing |(the red ink) and for writing (with the black ink). Rabbi Yochanan responds that just because we are concerned it may be considered writing on Shabbat, it doesn't mean we should act upon it and permit a get signed in that manner! If witnesses do not know how to read or write, can they sign a regular document or a get? Is the law the same for both a get and other documents? If one gives a blank piece of paper to a woman saying, "This is your get," and then it gets destroyed and he claims it was not a get, is he believed?

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