Gittin 31 - June 16, 27 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Hope Perry in honor of Katherine Bellilty. "Thank you for inspiring my learning and my neshama always. Much love!"  From where do we derive that the owner of the produce can separate the teruma of the maaser of a Levite even before it gets into the hands of the Levite? If one sets aside produce to use as teruma and maaser of the produce that they will bring in later on or money for the redemption of maaser sheni produce, one can assume that they have not spoiled/gotten lost and can continue to separate tithes using that pile without having to check on it. What happens when one finds the produce has rotted or the money is gone? Does one have to redo the tithes? There are three times of the year when the wine is likely to spoil due to weather changes. There are three times of the year when the price of grains rises due to high demand. For wine, there are also three times a year when prices rise. During these three times, one can sell without having to consult with a partner, as it is clear the partner would agree to sell for a higher price. The eastern wind is very hot and when it blows strongly after Sukkot, it causes the wine to spoil. Geneiva tells Rav Huna and Rav Chisda all about the different winds. Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak tells Rava and Rav Nachman bar Yaakov about the damage that the eastern wind brings.

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