Gittin 33 - June 18, 29 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Gittin 33 This week's learning is sponsored by Bob & Paula Cohen in loving memory of Chaim Avraham HaKohen ben Alter Gershon HaKohen.  Today's daf is sponsored by Sylvia Klein in loving memory of her brother, Bobby Klein. "Bobby taught us love, acceptance, and compassion. We miss you all these years later."  What proof does Rav Nachman bring to show that two people can count as a beit din? What is the reason for the takana of Rabban Gamliel not permitting the cancellation of a get in front of a court and how does it connect to the debate between Rav Sheshet and Rav Nachman regarding the number of people who need to be present when one cancels a get. Is it to prevent mamzarim or agunot? If one goes against the takana of Rabban Gamliel and cancels a get in court is the get canceled or not? Do Rabbis have the power to override Torah law?  The Gemara explains that the Rabbis have the power to uproot the marriage (afki'inhu rabanan l'kiddushin minei) in this case because the husband didn't keep to their rules regarding marriage and therefore didn't keep to his conditions of "k'dat moshe v'yisrael" that he accepted when he got married. If a husband told ten people to write a get to his wife, can he cancel it in front of some of them? Rebbi and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel debate this issue. There are two different explanations as to what is the debate between them and what is the basis for the debate. Either they debate whether testimony that is partially canceled is fully canceled or whether one who cancels testimony needs to cancel it in front of all those they testified before. According to who do we rule on these two debates between Rebbi and Rashbag? 

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