Gittin 39 - Shabbat June 24, 5 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Gitta and David Neufeld in loving memory of Gitta's father, Yosef ben Menachem Mendal v'Pesha. "Tatty was so proud of learning, be it secular or Jewish. He always told us how he envied us our Jewish education, which the Nazis and Communists managed to deprive him of.  Unbelievably, he left cheder - and formal Jewish education - when he started learning Mishna, yet his dedication to learning and striving, with a nightly chavruta (despite working a 12-hour day) and a never-missed weekly shiur in Shul, molded three generations of learners and strivers. It was a special zechut this year to learn the daf in Lizhensk, where he had his last formal Jewish learning experience.  Yehi Zichro Baruch!" Today's daf is sponsored by Harriet Hartman in loving memory of her husband, Moshe ben Yehuda Aryeh on his 4th yahrzeit. "How I would have liked to discuss many things we are learning in the daf with him! I am sure he would have had interesting insights that would help me understand better what his own training gave him. I hope he is benefitting from my own exposure and learning as I persist in this daily exploration of our tradition’s wisdom and the ways in which our learned ancestors addressed problems in the context of halacha and gemara. Yehi zichro baruch." Rav says that if one sanctifies one's slave, the slave goes free. The third question raised on Rav from a braita is resolved. Is this issue also a tannaitic debate? Rabbi Yochanan said that one who makes his slave ownerless still needs to give him an emancipation document to free him in order to allow him to marry a Jew. A difficulty is raised from a braita and resolved. The braita discussed a case of a convert who died and left slaves - who can acquire the slaves. There is a tannatic debate. The Gemara brings a few traditions of rabbis who ruled like one of the tannaitic opinions and then they try to assess did the rabbi rule that way explicitly or did they derive it from something else he said?

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