Gittin 42 - June 27, 8 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Gittin 42 Rabba holds that the debate between Rebbi and the rabbis about whether one can free a slave partly is only when the owner frees part and remains owner over the other part, but if the owner sold the other part, all would agree that the slave would be partially free. Abaye raises a contradiction to Rabba from two contradictory braitot, claiming that the only resolution is to say that one holds like Rebbi and one like the rabbis. However, the Gemara suggests four other resolutions to the contradiction. If an ox gored a slave that was half free/half slave, the damages go to the master if it was a day he was working for the master, and if it was a day he was free, the damages go to the freed slave. Two questions are raised against this and are resolved. If one has freed one's slave but has not given the slave an emancipation document yet, does the owner receive payment if the slave was killed by someone's ox? Does the slave continue to eat teruma? What is their status? They bring sources to resolve these dilemmas, but all of them are inconclusive.

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