Gittin 46 - Shabbat July 1, 12 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is dedicated by Hadran Women of Long Island for a refuah shleima for their fearless leader and inspiring daf sister, Gitta Neufeld, Gittel Rivka bat Golda Mariam. "We need you back here in good health quickly!!" The rabbis instituted a takana that if a man divorces his wife due to suspicions about her promiscuous behavior or because of a vow she made, he is unable to remarry her. There are two different reasons given for the takana.  The tannaim also disagree as to which types of vows are referred to here. There is a tannaitic debate about a man who divorces his wife because she is an aylonit (a woman who can't have children because she never fully develops), can he remarry her? The opinions of the tannaim here seem to contradict their opinions in the previous Mishna and the amoraim try to resolve these contradictions. The Mishna rules that we do not redeem one who sells himself or his son to gentiles. But we do redeem the sons after the death of their father. Rav Asi limits the first part of the Mishna and a story is brought to support his ruling.

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