Gittin 47 - July 2, 13 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This month's learning is sponsored by C. S E. K for the refuah shleima of Sharona Rachel bat Miriam Chana.  Today's daf is sponsored by Hadran women on LI for a  refuah shleima for Gittel Rivkah bat Golda Mariam. One should not redeem a person who sells themselves a few times to a non-Jew to discourage them from doing it. The Gemara relates stories of Jews who sold themselves to non-Jews (cannibals or to be a gladiator), including one about Reish Lakish who managed to escape by outsmarting them. One who sells one's field to a non-Jew is responsible to buy back the bikurim (first fruits) from the non-Jew and bring them to the Temple - in order to prevent people from selling their land to non-Jews.   If one sells a field to a non-Jew, and then a Jew buys fruits from that field, is one obligated to tithe the fruits? There is an argument between Rabba and Rabbi Elazar and the Gemara attempts to bring support for each opinion. If one sells one's land for its produce but retains ownership of the land itself, the purchaser brings the bikurim, but there is a debate between Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish regarding whether they read the text that is generally read by the one who brings them. They each raise difficulties against each other from tannaitic sources.

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