Gittin 48 - July 3, 14 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Judy Schwartz in honor of her daughter Rina's birthday tomorrow! "Mazal tov our to our beloved Rina! You bring tremendous joy to our lives just by your being, and we are tremendously proud of you for all you do. Thank you for starting us on our Daf Yomi journey together!"  Today's daf is sponsored by Mitzi and David Geffen in loving memory of David's infant brother Azriel ben Avraham, on his 70th yahrzeit.  Today's daf is sponsored by Rhona Fink in honor of her fellow San Diego Daf learner Glenda Jaffe on her retirement from Hillel San Diego. "She has enriched the lives of Jewish students and supported their journeys for the past 15 years. Thank you for your dedication to our community." When the jubilee year is practiced, the land goes back it its original owner in the jubilee year. Therefore, purchasing land is equivalent to purchasing land for its produce. Therefore, Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish have the same disagreement about bikurim - does the buyer recite the text when bringing the bikurim or not? Two sources are brought to support Rabbi Yochanan but are rejected in two different ways. They also suggest that the debate between Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish is a tannaitic debate. But that suggestion is rejected. Two sources (one verse and one braita) are brought to support Reish Lakish's position. Different types of payments are to be collected from different qualities of land. One who has to pay damages, pays from the best land (idit), a borrower pays from the average quality land (beinonit), and a woman collects her ketuba from the poorest quality land (ziburit), but according to Rabbi Meir, she collects from average land. Orphans who owe money from their father's estate always pay from lower-quality land. Certain obligations cannot be collected from liened property. All these laws were instituted on account of tikkun olam. How can the Mishna be saying that one collects damages from high-quality land because of tikkun olam? Isn't that a verse in the Torah? The Gemara explains that the Mishna must be in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yishmael and not Rabbi Akiva.  

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