Gittin 61 - July 16, 27 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Gittin 61 Today's daf is sponsored by Suri Stern in honor of her mother’s birthday on July 20th. "She was a pioneer in the Five Towns community and baruch Hashem still enjoys those around her."  How can we understand the debate between Rabbi Yosi and the rabbis in the Mishna regarding stealing that is forbidden on account of theft by rabbinic law or because of darkhei shalom? One loan one's kitchen equipment of those who are suspected of storing shmita produce beyond the permitted time or amei haaretz (who are either suspected of not tithing their produce or of not keeping laws of purity) but there is a distinction between the two regarding helping grind their wheat. Why? Abaye and Rava each bring a different explanation and the Gemara raises several questions against Rava (contradictions from other tannitic sources) and resolves them. They bring another contradiction between two different Mishnas in Demai regarding one who brings his produce to an am haaretz to grind - does one need to be concerned that they switch their produce with their own? In which cases is there a reason for concern and why?

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