Gittin 63 - July 18, 29 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Gittin 63 A woman can only appoint a messenger to accept the get and a husband can only appoint a messenger to deliver the get.  If the messenger is accepting the get, then the get is effective immediately.  If the messenger is delivering the get then the get is effective once it reaches the woman. The relevance: whether or not the husband can change his mind. What happens when the husband uses wording of "accept" instead of "deliver"? What happens if the messenger is sent by the wife to deliver the get to her but he tells the husband that he was appointed to accept the get? In this case, no one properly appointed him to be a messenger so the get isn't good even once the wife receives it. If the term "heilach" - meaning "here it is" is used by the husband, does everyone agree that it means the get is effective immediately or is there a disagreement about it? Can a man send a messenger to deliver and the woman send a messenger to receive it from the husband's messenger?

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