Gittin 7 - May 23, 3 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Malka Abraham in honor of her 66th birthday! "Thank you Rabbanit Michelle and the Hadran community for all that you do!!"  There are various statements and a story warning people of the potential dangers of imposing excessive fear on people in one's household. The Gemara brings a number of letters that rabbis wrote to each other regarding what to do with people in the community who are behaving inappropriately, not playing music, singing and not wearing the crown of grooms after the destruction, and the importance of charity giving, even for those who don't have a lot of money. In each letter, they quoted a verse and the person writing the letter drew lines on the page (sirtut). Is Acco really the Northern border of Israel? What about K'ziv? If one writes a get on a boat in the waters right outside of Israel, is it considered from abroad and one would need to say "in front of me..." or not? The Gemara quotes two contradictory braitot and suggests two possible resolutions.  

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