Gittin 70 - July 25, 7 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

The Gemara continues to discuss remedies for various diseases as well as explain what causes some of the various diseases.  The Mishna rules that a person who sent a messenger to write a get and then got kordiyakus and then said not to write the get, we ignore his later orders. There is an argument between Resh Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan about whether the messenger can write the get while the husband has the kordiyakus or does he wait until the husband gets better and then writes it based on his earlier instructions. This addresses the issue of the power of appointing a messenger. Is the messenger now acting independently of the one who sent them?  Or is the messenger only an extension of the one who sent them and if the one who sends the messenger is longer of sound mind, then the messenger cannot perform the action?

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