Gittin 72 - Tisha b'Av - July 27, 9 Av

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

The discussion from the last daf continues as to who the Mishna is according to - Rabbi Meir or Rabbi Yossi regarding whether or not messengers can set up other messengers to write and give the get. If a man divorces his wife conditioning it upon his death - does that work? Tana kama holds that it depends on the wording - if he said this is your get from now if I die, it works - upon his death, the get applies retroactively from the date he gave it. If not, it doesn't work. Rabbi Yossi holds that it works in any case because the get is dated from today and therefore the date proves that he meant the get to be effective upon his death retroactive to the date in the get. Rav Huna's statement about this Mishna is questioned and the Gemara struggles to explain according to who he was relating and to which case.

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