Gittin 8 - May 24, 4 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This month's learning is sponsored by Sami Groff in honor of Shoshana Keats Jaskoll.  "As we start Masechet Gittin, the very first Daf expresses concern for the Aguna. I want to dedicate this month’s learning in honor of Shoshana and Chochmat Nashim, whose tireless work and inspiring dedication, forge new paths to make sure those aren’t just sentiments on an ancient page but that the rabbis, poskim and batei din of today take actual steps to protect Agunot and put an end to this abuse in the name of halakha. Baruch Matir Assurim."  Are the laws regarding plants on boats in waters in/near Israel the same as plants in a perforated pot raised off the ground in Israel regarding laws of tithes and shmita? The earlier debate regarding whether if one writes a get on a boat does one need to say "in front of me it was written..." is not regarding rivers in Israel - all agree that is considered Israel. The debate is about the Meditteranean - which parts are considered Israel and which parts are not. What are the different options for where are the borders in the water? This is similar to modern disputes over territorial waters. Is "Suria" (Northern Syria of today) considered Israel or not?  For certain issues, it is considered like Israel, and for others not.  One wanting to purchase land in Israel from a non-Jew is allowed to have a non-Jew do it (unclear whether it relates only to writing the contract or also to the actual purchase) for him on Shabbat due to the importance of a mitzva. A Caananaite slave who brings his own emancipation document needs to say "in front of me it was written..." But if the document also said that the owner gave him money, two people need to validate the witnesses' signatures (his declaration is not sufficient) for him to be able to demand the money. But if the documents said, "All of my possessions are given to you" - can we split the two and say that the slave is free but the money does not transfer hands until we validate the witnesses properly? Abaye and Rava disagree. First Abaye thinks the whole document can be effective, but after Rava's argument (that they must be split and the money does not transfer hands), Abaye switches positions to say that the entire document is ineffective, as he does not think that you can split the statement to make it effective halfway.

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