Ketubot 103 - Shmini Atzeret, October 17, 22 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

A case was brought regarding a man who rented a millstone and in exchange for payment, he ground the wheat for the owner. When the owner became rich and no longer needed the services of the grinder, he wanted to get paid money for the rental of the millstone. Can he force him to pay the money? Can we learn the answer to this question from the case in our Mishna with the two husbands who are forced to pay the value of the food they committed to give the daughter? Can one distinguish between the cases? Orphans need to allow the widow of their father to stay in their house and feed her. If she returns to her father’s house, they do not need to feed her. In what situations do we make exceptions to these rules? The Gemara brings a braita that tells what happened when Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi died. First, he told his sons to take care of his wife and show respect for her. Isn’t this a Torah obligation? He wanted his candle to be lit, and his table and bed to be set. Why? Apparently, Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi would come back (from the dead) every Friday night until one particular incident that caused him to stop coming. He told his sons who would serve him. They thought he meant at his burial but since they predeceased him, they realize he meant in heaven. He then called the sages and told them not to eulogize him in the cities, how long to mourn for him before reopening the yeshivot, and that Shimon his son is wise and Gamliel his son will take over as the Nasi, and Chanina bar Chama will be the head of the yeshiva. Why did he tell them each of these things? What happened as a result of not allowing eulogies for him in the small villages? How long did they in fact mourn for him? Chanina bar Chama did not sit at the head right away – as he first let Rabbi Afas be the head as he was older. While Rabbi Afas was the head, Rabbi Chanina would sit outside and learn with Levi. Once he died, Levi had no one to learn with and went to Babylonia. When Rav saw him come, he immediately understood that Rabbi Afas had died and Rabbi Chanina had become the head. How did he know this? Why wasn’t Rabbi Chiya chosen? Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi then called in his children and passed on to them what they needed to know.

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