Ketubot 106 - October 20, 25 Tishrei

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Ketubot 106 The last week of Masechet Ketubot learning is sponsored in honor of Aviva Adler’s Siyum HaShas by the members of her Navi chavura - Naomi, Tova, Vivi, Chani, Shoshana, Mindy and their spouses. "Aviva, we wish you many more years of learning in good health surrounded by all those who love you and continue to be inspired by you." Today's daf is sponsored in honor of the marriage of Adina and Eric Hagege's son Eilon. Mazal tov! Today's daf is sponsored in honor of Noa - best wishes for an easy birth. The Gemara continues the story of Rav Anan and how someone who tried to give him a bribe indirectly caused a perversion of justice. Rav Anan is punished as his visits with Eliahu HaNavi are no longer as they were before. The difference is used to explain why there are two different works known as Seder Eliahu Raba and Seder Eliahu Zuta. As a verse regarding Elisha was mentioned previously (Kings 2 4:43), the Gemara brings another drasha on that verse explaining that Elisha had 2,200 scholars that he taught and fed daily. In the context of that statement, they then mention several rabbis and how many students they each fed. The number of students decreased with each rabbi mentioned. What else was paid for by the Temple treasury (trumat halishka - money collected from the half shekel)? There is a debate regarding the women who weaved the parochet – was it paid for by the Temple treasury or by the money collected for building and upkeep of the Temple (bedek habayit). A question is asked regarding the vessels in the Temple – are they needed for the sacrifices and therefore paid from the Temple treasury or are they needed for the altar and therefore paid for by the building/upkeep funds? Different opinions are brought and difficulties are raised. In the end, it is explained that it is a tannaitic debate.    

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